It's an unfortunate part of a growing network that issues arise. Here is the list of people who have conducted themselves poorly either as a guest or host. This can be used for consideration about whether you want to guest/host with said people. Information about the event will be provided but privacy will be maintained for all parties. People will only end up on this list for actually bad behavior such as a no show/no contact, stealing, perversion, harassment, or any kind of bigotry. No one will be put on this list because of a personal bias or without substantial proof.
To search this page on desktop, use Ctrl + F then type the name. On mobile, use "Find on Page" then type the name.
If you think you're on here and shouldn't be, please contact Zee Traveler via the Contact page.
Do NOT seek to harass people from this list lest your own name end up on it.
The Strike List
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